Secure DevOps: Overcoming Challenges & Adopting Best Practices

DevOps has revolutionised the software development process by bringing development and operations teams together to streamline and automate creating, testing, and deploying applications. This has resulted in faster, more reliable releases and a smoother user experience.

However, the rapid pace of DevOps can sometimes leave security as an afterthought, with critical vulnerabilities being introduced and left unaddressed in a rush to deliver new features. This has led to a growing need for DevOps security which aims to integrate security practices throughout the DevOps lifecycle to ensure that applications are as secure as they are efficient.

In this blog post, we will discuss the challenges of implementing DevOps security and share six best practices to help you protect your applications and infrastructure from security threats.

Challenges of DevOps Security

1. Speed versus Security

One of the primary challenges in implementing DevOps security is balancing the need for speed with security requirements. Development teams are often under pressure to deliver new features quickly, which can lead to shortcuts being taken and security being overlooked.

2. Siloed Teams

Despite the collaborative nature of DevOps, development, operations, and security teams can still become siloed, with each group focusing on its priorities and not communicating effectively with the others. This can result in security vulnerabilities being introduced and not being addressed promptly.

3. Inadequate Security Skills

The rapid pace of technology means there is often a skills gap in security. Development and operations teams may not have the expertise to identify and address security vulnerabilities, while security professionals may not be familiar with the latest DevOps tools and practices.

6 Critical Best Practices for DevOps Security

1. Shift Security Left

One of the most important steps in implementing DevOps security is to "shift security left," meaning that security practices should be integrated into the development process as early as possible. This involves performing security assessments and vulnerability scanning during the design and coding phases, allowing vulnerabilities to be identified and addressed before they make their way into production.

2. Automate Security Processes

Automation is a key component of DevOps, and the same principle should be applied to security. Automating security processes, such as code analysis, vulnerability scanning, and patch management, ensures that security is consistently and effectively enforced throughout the development lifecycle.

3. Implement Continuous Monitoring

Continuous monitoring is critical for identifying and addressing security issues in real-time. By monitoring your applications and infrastructure for potential security threats, you can quickly detect and remediate vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

4. Foster a Culture of Security

Creating a culture of security within your organisation is essential for the success of your DevOps security efforts. This means promoting security awareness and training, encouraging collaboration between development, operations, and security teams, and rewarding security-focused behaviour.

5. Use Secure Coding Practices

Encouraging developers to follow secure coding practices can help to prevent security vulnerabilities from being introduced in the first place. This includes adhering to coding standards, using secure libraries and frameworks, and performing regular code reviews to identify and address potential security issues.

6. Leverage Threat Intelligence

Staying informed about the latest security threats and trends can help you better protect your applications and infrastructure. By leveraging threat intelligence, you can stay one step ahead of attackers and proactively address potential vulnerabilities.


Implementing DevOps security is essential for protecting your applications and infrastructure from security threats. By shifting security left, automating security processes, implementing continuous monitoring, fostering a culture of security, using secure coding practices, and leveraging threat intelligence, you can effectively integrate security into your DevOps lifecycle and ensure that your applications are as secure as they are efficient.

Secure your DevOps environment with Aristiun. Our expert team helps your organisation continuously assess, demonstrate and verify the current state of security in a public cloud. Contact us now to learn how our solutions can help you achieve your DevOps security goals!

Written by : (Expert in cloud visibility and oversight)

T Singh